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Alarming Trend Hpai Detected In Multiple States And Countries

Precision Vaccinations

Urgent Bird Flu Outbreak: Dramatic Surge in Cases Threatens Poultry Industry

Alarming Trend: HPAI Detected in Multiple States and Countries

A highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has emerged as a major concern, with a staggering number of outbreaks reported in recent months. From December 2022 to February 2023, HPAI struck with devastating force, infecting poultry farms in numerous states and countries.

Unprecedented Toll on Poultry Industry

The HPAI outbreak has had a profound impact on the poultry industry. With flocks being decimated and strict containment measures being implemented, the consequences have been severe. The poultry industry is facing immense financial losses and disruptions to the supply chain.

Health Concerns for Wildlife and Humans

While avian influenza primarily affects birds, it also poses health risks to humans and wildlife. The CDC has reported an increase in the number of human infections, although the risk of transmission remains low. Nonetheless, surveillance and precautions are crucial to minimize the potential threat.

The World Economic Forum
